Thursday, June 26, 2014

Wait! Exercise Is Not All About Weight

Get past the thinking that associates the need for exercise with the need to lose weight. Exercise isn't a punishment for having become overweight. It's a privilege and a gift.
Of course there is a relationship between exercise and weight loss- but the connection and the association between the two isn't one that's always relevant.
There is a fundamental error commonly made in associating the need for exercise with the need to lose weight. No matter what you're doing right or wrong when it comes to your weight and your food choices, exercise will always be beneficial and necessary for good health.
Of course if a person appears overweight it's obvious that to some degree, exercise and proper eating have been ignored. But whether you're at your preferred weight or carrying too much weight for your frame, you'll always need exercise to be in your life.
At least half of fitness is eating well, followed by exercise and proper rest. Choosing fitness through proper eating and exercise is a choice and an opportunity that's equally available and equally important to everyone.
Getting started with a fitness program is a choice that empowers you to take control of your life. You may find it difficult to get started but once you do your rewards will be numerous and invaluable.
Keep the issues of food and exercise separate in your mind because even though they affect each other, they are independent of the other.
One secret to success in life is learning how to help yourself- discovering what works and doesn't work- for you.
Maybe what you really need is to learn how to enjoy exercise and to acquire some strategies to help you eat healthier food and avoid the bad stuff.
Once your body acclimates to exercise, then exercise should feel good to your body and your body will actually crave the exercise. It follows that if it feels good to your body, then it's possible to learn to enjoy exercise- regardless of any previous negative experience.
Don't regard exercise as something you now must do because you have become overweight. Regard exercise and proper eating as the fundamentals of good health that are available to you and provide you an opportunity to create good health for yourself.
A shortage of time for exercise is perhaps the most common excuse given for not exercising. You're wise if your exercise plan includes at-home exercise because at home exercise provides the greatest opportunity for time management.
Does exercise directly affect your weight? Yes. However, here are some important considerations to think about:
• What you eat is far more important to maintaining optimal weight than how you exercise your body. Bad food choices can be viewed as good opportunities lost. Bad food choices are you shooting yourself in your own foot.
• Exercise isn't only about burning calories while you're in the middle of an activity. Your exercise choice (weight training, for example) could potentially and additionally help your body build muscle while losing fat.
• You can affect and improve your basil metabolism with exercise choices that will change your body's ratio of fat to muscle. Resting muscle requires more calories to exist than fat requires. Because you have more muscle you'll be burning more calories- before you start your exercise routine. This amount of extra calories burned could easily eliminate the extra five pounds so many of us gain each year- that add up significantly when multiplied by five or ten years.
Getting out of shape is like getting into debt. The further you let things go the longer the recovery time. If you nip things in the bud everything is easier.
Don't make things so difficult for yourself. No matter how far in a hole you are, you still climb out the same way- by getting started.
Don't wait and don't quit. Start now to create good habits for eating and exercise in your life. Don't compare your journey to anyone else's. We can all be on a fitness journey while we are at different mile markers.
Get started as soon as possible but don't rush the fitness process. Once you're fitness process is underway you'll gain multiple rewards. The most difficult part is the thinking about it before you get started.
Add one new good food habit as you eliminate one bad one. What you don't know before you start improving your eating habits is that your taste will change and you won't miss what you thought you would.
All reasons are good reasons to work out. Forget about yesterday. Today is fresh and new. You can start with the littlest bit of exercise and add more when you're able.
Exercise moderately if you care about longevity and avoiding injury.
To be well enough to be able to exercise is a beautiful gift that everyone doesn't possess. Exercising your body is a way to give thanks and praise for your gift of good health. You'll be demonstrating respect for your gift by doing what's within your personal power to take good care of it.
If you're interested in losing weight then examine and adjust your food choices and eating habits. You'll never end the stay-slim struggle simply by exercising. A tug-a-war will continue.
You will end your stay slim struggle when you merge together good choices for exercise and eating- and turn those choices into habits.
Embrace the gift of being able to work out. Regard your fitness habit as a truly priceless gift you're giving yourself. Exercise and proper eating will make you think better, feel better, look better, and be better.
Be moderate. Be consistent. Become healthy. Stay healthy.

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